Gene Hackman AS Royal Tenenbaum
Anjelica Huston AS Etheline Tenenbaum
Danny Glover AS Henry Sherman
Gwyneth Paltrow AS Margot Tenenbaum
Irene Gorovaia AS Young Margot
Luke Wilson AS Richie Tenenbaum
Amadeo Turturro AS Young Richie
Ben Stiller AS Chas Tenenbaum
Aram Aslanian-Persico AS Young Chas
Owen Wilson AS Eli Cash
James Fitzgerald AS Young Eli
Seymour Cassel AS Dusty
Bill Murray AS Raleigh St. Clair
Grant Rosenmeyer AS Ari Tenenbaum Jonah Meyerson AS Uzi Tenenbaum
Kumar Pallana AS Pagoda
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