
Release date: October 5, 2001 (New York Film Festival), December 6, 2001 (premiere), December 14, 2001 (New York and Los Angeles), January 4, 2002 (wide), February 13, 2002 (Berlin International Film Festival), March 13, 2002 (France), March 15, 2002 (United Kingdom)

Tag Lines: They come together. They fall apart. Family isn't a word... it's a sentence.

There were three extraordinary children in the Tenenbaum family -- Margot, a master playwright, Richie, a champion tennis player, and Chas, a financial whiz. They were brilliant. They were famous. They were unlucky enough to be the children of a man named Royal Tenenbaum. Unfortunately, the brilliance of young Tenenbaums has been erased by two decades of betrayal, failure, and disaster. The Royal Tenenbaums is the story of the family's "sudden, unexpected reunion one recent winter."

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